Sunday, 25 March 2012

Shaping of Reality by Networking

This is a follow-up to my Perception and Shaping Reality post last week. This week, I'd like to explore how we can bring about a change in perception. I'll be looking at how humans naturally form "tribes"(networks) as described by David Logan in his TEDx Talk. The main point I'm taking from his talk is how we can improve our own networking and increase our individual/organizational clout.

Perception: What we see lies upon the surface. What is lies underneath the surface.

To change how disabled people are perceived, we must expand the tribes(networks) that hold the values of acceptance and understanding. I know many non-profits, and advocacy groups try to do this already, but their reach is usually limited to the reach of their members. That is say, they rarely expand past their current tribe. As stated in David Logan's video, great tribe leaders are those who expand their tribe's influence by introducing people to other people. This is somewhat of an absurd concept since you'd think that you're just expanding the other person's tribe, but I would like to suggest a possible explanation. The act of introducing one person to another is a show of confidence and power. You are asserting yourself to the other 2 people and taking a leading role. This means that they will be more likely to follow your values in the near future. In essence, you've influenced 2 tribes with one action instead of 1. This act has allowed you to establish clout(social power) among both the tribes.

How do I establish clout?

The key is to attend as many social gatherings, conferences, dinners, fundraisers, clubs, etc. as you can. A lot of people use these events to network, but most don't fully take advantage of the situation. I would suggest that after you've attended an event where you networked, you should follow up with the people you've met. Go for a coffee, develop a relationship outside of the particular event you met at. This added step lets you move from acquaintances to being friends/colleagues.

How do I use my clout?

With the establishment of personal or organizational clout, you can move on to my next suggested step for motivating the shaping of perception. Start a cause/movement that fits within your established values (the values that your tribes follow) and elicits action by those who see it. You need something to be eye-catching and 'viral' for it to be successful. A fine example of this concept in recent media was the Kony 2012 campaign. The Invisible Children organization spent years establishing its clout at universities throughout the USA so that when they made an eye-catching video it went viral immediately. I find this to be the hardest part because you need to create content that generates action. You may have the clout necessary for your friends/colleagues to spread the message, but the people who see it need to act upon seeing your video. To help with this conundrum, you should look to expanding your networks in a few particular circles; university students, film makers, and communications professionals.

Following-up the action

This step is often left out in most practices. It is synonymous with the last step of many business models that relate to feedback/monitoring performance. This step is often overlooked because the project/product has already been finished, but it is critical for insuring the success and growth of future endeavours. In the non-profit world, this is why donors usually receive some form of thank you, and shaping perception is no different. If you don't follow-up by sending thank you's, or asking for feedback then your supports/tribes/networks will think that the cause was successful and no more action is needed. This is rarely the case since most causes require years of protesting, and fundraising for to be completely successful. Just as our existence is continuous, so are the issues we face.

Summarized Steps:
  1. Establish personal/organizational clout by attending networking functions.
  2. Follow-up meetings with your new contacts to develop personal connection.
  3. Start a cause that aligns with your network's values.
  4. Create a video, site, blog post, event, etc that can catch the attention and elicit action.
  5. Follow-up to tell everyone it isn't over yet.

Questions or comments about my thought process/suggested steps are welcome.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Perception and Shaping Reality

This TEDx video inspired me to write on a topic that I've always found fascinating since it pertains to my life quite a bit.

Essentially, the concept of perception that we know today is formed around our cultural norms, and these norms are typically defined as a collective agreement by the majority. While the acceptance of norms usually needs some form of majority to be adopted, the drivers of these norms are typically a minority. A prime example of this is how celebrities influence current trends. So based on the above classifications, perceptions are cultural norms that the majority has accepted, but a minority created. What does this mean for finding ways to change or shape perceptions?

It means that anyone can do it! The trick is finding out how. I'd like to believe that to shape our current and future perceptions, we need to first look to the past and determine why the current perception exists. Since I'm personally invested, I shall focus on why people in wheelchairs are seen as being 'disabled,' useless, and/or inept. I like to think that the root of this perception is simply that people are ignorant of the truth, but to really change things, I need to delve into the traditions of our predecessors and find out how they treated people who were different. Of course, there isn't much mystery behind this question. Our history is riddled full of subjugation, segregation, and degradation. We, as a species, shun what we don't understand because we fear the unknown. We need to feel in control to feel powerful, and on some levels, we feel we have a divine right to be powerful. We see this all the time with statements like: "We're the top of the food chain," "We're the chosen ones." Even though these statements may very well hold truth, our species acts like a spoiled brat who deserves all the shiny new toys.

Ahh, but I digress. I am to be focused on perception and not on all the indignities of humankind. If we look to the past, we see the purging and segregation of physically disabled individuals. In today's society, this would be considered horrific, although segregation does still occur, but it not as horrific as in the past. So, the root of our perception of disabled individuals is based around the past acts of purging and segregation. With the root defined as best as we can, we can move forward to erasing them from our current society, right? Only if things were that simple. The issue is figuring out how a minority creates a norm that the majority will not only accept but will act on. We can't all be famous and influence millions by tweeting about our clothing. Of course, there has be another way to influence the majority besides being a celebrity, or else, people like Martin Luther King, Jr. or Ghandhi wouldn't exist.

I'll be stopping here for now. A small teaser of what is to come: What motivates people/tribes? TEDx Tribal Leadership